Please note: All prices include MA state sales tax
Books and CDs:
Quabbin the Lost Valley, by D. Howe: $69.06
The Lost Towns of the Quabbin Valley, by E. Peirce: $21.20
Quabbin Valley People and Places, by E. Peirce: $21.20
Quabbin Valley Life as it Was, by E. Peirce: $21.20
Past Events of Prescott with Genealogy, by L. Coolidge: $40.64
Prescott Furrever, by R. Whitaker
–Hardcover: $24.96
–Paperback: $26.56
Prescott Years, by R. Whitaker
–Hardcover: $24.96
–Paperback: $26.56
No Simple Wilderness, G. Thomas: $17.00
History of New Salem Academy, 1915 – 1995, by M. Blinder: $12.75
EZ, by Wm. Walker: $7.38
A Quabbin Chronicle, by JW Russell: $9.56
A Place Called Quabbin, by JW Russell: $8.50
Swift River Anthology, by D. Johnson: $16.95
Quabbin Club Cook Book, by D. Johnson: $5.31
Meeting House New Salem, by D. Johnson: $7.98
History of Houlton ME (CD), by D. Johnson: $10.63
So Red the River, by R. Newberry: $7.97
They Came to Bobbin Hollow, by R. Newberry: $7.97
Creation of the Quabbin Reservoir, by J.R. Greene: $12.75
Henry W. Smith Quabbin Controversial Spirits, by J.R. Greene: $10.58
Strange Tales from Quabbin, by J.R. Greene: $10.09
Quabbin Railroads, the Rabbit, by J.R. Greene
–Hardcover, Volume I: $31.82
–Hardover, Volume II: $37.13
–Paperback, Volume I: $21.19
–Paperback, Volume II: $26.50
Historic Hikes, by J.R. Greene: $12.69
Atlas of Quabbin Valley Ware River Diversion, by J.R. Greene: $5.31
A Bibliography of Quabbin Valley History, by J.R. Greene: $10.63
The Other Lost Valley, J.R. Greene: $7.97
From Valley to Quabbin, by J.R. Greene: $15.88
Other Items for Sale:
Ice Harvest Greenwich: $15.93
Shaw’s Blacksmith Shop: $15.93
Atkinson Hollow: $15.93
Enfield RR: $15.93
Enfield RR (framed): $63.75
Small Ice Harvest: $2.13 (or 3 copies for $5.31)
Olive Molt (in sleeve): $31.88
Olive Molt (framed): $63.81
Enfield: $5.06
Prescott Church: $13.28
Whitaker-Clary Notes: $2.13
Whitaker-Clary Postcard: $.27
Quabbin Then and Now: $3.19